A note from the Officers’ mess

You know those moments in life when you think "how did that just happen?!" 🤯

Definitely a career highlight this week.

I was honoured to be invited as a VIP guest by the Commandant at the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines, for dinner at the Officers' mess alongside some amazing and influential people in the South West as well as other parts of the UK. Then back again to watch the Passing Out Parade of 313 Troop alongside the Lord Mayor.

Thoughts: how on earth did that happen?! 🤷🏽‍♀️
Feelings: pride, respect, gratitude, awe, emotional (and and and...) 💚

I've never experienced anything quite like it. At dinner, my heart was warmed being around such influential leaders in the UK who are also genuinely good and nice people. Authentic leadership, right there. At the Passing Out Parade, families gathered from all over the world, flawless music from the RM band, precision movement from the troop, banter alongside formality, history, tradition and such sentiment where the gents received their green berets and officially became Royal Marines. Oh and super shiny shoes!

When the Commandant addressed the Troop, he said (paraphrased):

💪🏼 Keep your mental edge and your physical edge but remember the personal development never stops

💪🏼 Don't stop being you

💪🏼 No one is an island, you'll have tough times, look after each other

💪🏼 Enjoy every moment

Sage advice for all of us, I'd say.

It’s great to know that these of the vital messages for this division of the British Armed Forces. It makes me even more excited to work alongside them and their welfare ambassadors. Go Team Marine!

#royalmarines #devon #leadership #personaldevelopment #mentalfitness


Authentic leadership


Grabbing some awe