From my brain to yours!

Here is a snapshot of my keynote speech from the Nudge Ideas Festival by Like Minds - a few nuggets from my brain to yours - all about how to be happier...

🧠 if our baseline level of happiness is greater, then we're more resilient when life throws us sideways

🌟 Things happen in life that we can't foresee. If you're happy in the meantime, it's better for your mental health and wellbeing

🧠 A whopping 40% of your happiness is down to you - why on earth wouldn't you use that?!

🌟 Positive psychology is about maintaining a level of happiness, somehow, no matter what

Plus... 🐛 The moment I gave a book away to a worm

Click to watch the keynote video and learn more

#happiness #speaker #talk #conference #wellness


Smiley leaders for the win!


Authentic leadership