Launching Free Happiness

A WOW moment - A year ago today (I know right, a year?!) was the launch of Free Happiness: the art and science of positivity - my first book 📒

I hope the memories bring smiles along with gratitude for everyone who helped celebrate and support 💛

A plea for me - I’d love it if you’d leave a quick (10 seconds) Amazon review. The QR code is at the end ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🤩🙏🏼

A plea for you - You know that thing that gives you a big old happy boost? Go do it. Yes now 😎 Have a happy day.

Official 📷 @simontuttyphotography

📒 Endorsement @richardbranson

Check out Free Happiness

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Pyramid happiness


Celebrating a year of Free Happiness